Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
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Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith:
Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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Exlusive online community for active builders and pilots of Zenith Aircraft kits (Chris Heintz / Zenair light airplane designs).
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Thanks Sonny,
Are you scratch building or kit building?
Meeting for breakfast sounds like a great Idea. I have a flight sceduled for this Saturday morning. I could do Sunday or next weekend. I live in the NW both 290 and BW8.
Hello Jerry, let me know if I can help with anything. I have slowed down on my build (hot). I will be getting back at it in a couple of weeks.
What part of Houston do you live?
Thanks for the friend requst.
I'm just starting a plans build 750 here in Australia. Thought I might add you as a friend as I see you're plans building as well. No doubt lots of useful experience to share.
A friend (also plans builder) and i are working on a 2.6m bending brake for the spars that can do the R3.2 radius. How are you planning to handle the long radiused bends?
Hello Jerry,
It's great to hear from you. Yes, I purchased plans for the CH650 about a month ago and have been busy setting up the RAMF aka "RUSSELL AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY".......:-). This process is coming along very nicely, my wife is elated to see our two car garage getting cleaned out and organized....FINALLY! I've been studying the plans, viewing construction videos, and purchasing tools (Harbor Freight just opened a store 15 minutes and Aircraft Spruce is approx. 35 minutes away from RAMF.....SWEEEET!).
I attended Sun N Fun from March 29-April 1 (which was quite exciting in more way than one), I got an opportunity to spend time with "The Corvair Authority", William Wynn......I'm DEFINITELY going with the corvair conversion.
I have not started using MyKitLog, but I fully intend on doing so in the near future. You're 10000% correct, it is an invaluable resource, and I thoroughly enjoy viewing the progress photos of fellow builders. It's great to see your progress as well; I will continue to follow your progress as it provides encouragement and inspiration!
Stay Strong and Steady,
Irv Russell aka "Doc"
Atlanta, GA- CH650 #8314
I just noticed that Magnolia is not that far away from Hallsville (just outside Longview). I too am building a 650 but from component kits. I have completed tail section and will take delivery of fuselage after Christmas. Just wanted to let you know there are others of us out here. Oh yea, I agree with the early comment about the DVD's for building. They are 1st class and are a huge help in knowing what and how to do each of the building steps.
Good luck in your building program.
Of course they would require the upgrade work but would be a great start for you.
my email is
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