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Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
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The only time I have flown my plane N2529R is when I looked it over to decide to buy it. That was over the Christmas holiday (the plane was in Iowa and I was visiting relatives back in St. Louis) so I didn't have the ability to take the airplane home with me. I was very busy working a test program on a PC-12 and I told the former owner I wouldn't have time to get the plane till after the test program was over. He wouldn't take a deposit and I suspect he would change my mind that way but I told him that if he could sell it before then to go go right ahead, I'd know it wasn't meant to be. A week or two later, he called and offered to fly the plane to Tulsa if I'd pay the fuel bill. Gladly. Now I have the plane in my hanger but I haven't checked out in it ( still need to get a BFR) but I expect to get the normal airworthiness cert back on the Pilatus this friday and then it goes back to the owner. (I work for FlightSafety International as a Flight Test Engineer) Then I'll get with a CFI and get a check out in the Zenair, get the five hours dual in type (to satisfy the Falcon insurance requirements) and hopefully get signed off on my BFR at the same time.
Thanks for the flying tips... I've heard that the short winged Zenith isn't all that happy if you don't carry a little power till almost to touchdown. When I flew it, the former owner let me do anything I wanted, but he wouldn't let me make the touchdown.
If I had to say what it flys like, I'd have to agree on the comparison with the Cherokee.
The flying qualities are one of the things that sold me on the little bugger. I do wish it had a touch more cabin room. The 250 or 300 might be just about right.