Larry Whitlow
  • Valparaiso, IN
  • United States
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  • Jerold Ebke

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Television Director / Operations Manager
Centerstage Productions of Illinois
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Larry Whitlow's Blog

9/13/14 It does FLY!!!!

Posted on April 7, 2015 at 3:54pm 1 Comment

10 hours of transition training CHECK

Pre-Flight inspection that was almost an annual CHECK

7 Gallons of 100LL per side CHECK

Taxi out, run it up, take the active, and fly.

It does! and it flies well

9/12/14 It can FLY!

Posted on April 7, 2015 at 3:49pm 0 Comments

Friday September 12 2014  The DAR comes over to inspect N69102 for it's airworthiness certificate. 

No more then 2 minutes into the inspection he finds a castle nut that has no cotter pin.  DAMN!   I was just working on that this morning and I had the new cotter pin laying right beside the pliers i was going to use to put it in.

I quickly fix that while the DAR goes on about his inspection, spending over an hour looking in holes, going upside down in the cabin to look…


Looking for things to do...

Posted on November 29, 2009 at 6:50pm 3 Comments

Well since I'm in the same boat as every else, waiting on parts, I went back to the final touches on wiring my panel

Here's my LED Caution and Warning system

And here's a close up. The Lexan cover is just taped into place to verify alignment of the legend

You can see a 3 side by side module on the wide shot over the Dynon. I designed and made a PCB to mount the… Continue

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At 5:53am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 4:51pm on December 5, 2009, Jake Reyna said…
Thanks Larry! We need to get the fleet reassembled with the least amount of effort, and that is currently a lot of effort. I see Greg's point, but using existing holes for the center spar efficiently is the best path. This is already overwhelming for some builders.

You made valid points on the evolution of the XL, now the 650.
At 12:30pm on September 6, 2009, Jerold Ebke said…
Larry, Thank you for your resonse and encouragement. As I get closer to that stage I may call upon you for more specific advice. Thanks again for the reply and best wishes to you, Jerry
At 11:10pm on September 5, 2009, Jerold Ebke said…
Larry. Jerry Ebke from Nebraska here. Am admiring your latest pics of your panel, I am building 650 and am about ready to join cockpit floor and rear fuselage. I am looking ahead and am considering panel similar to yours, only Dynon 180 and basic autopilot control.I am very weak in knowledge of electronics and have no experience with anything aviation. Did you have any company help you with panel or with your profession, are you just knowledgable of all things electronic? Would you be willing to share some of your knowledge on panel and autopilot install with greenhorn like myself? I am also hoping to use Jab 3300 and would be interested in your insights there as well. It's inspiring to see your pics and hope to think some day I will be as far along on this journey as you. Thanks, Jerry
At 6:35pm on February 3, 2009, David Gallagher said…
Larry, I see on the Dynon support forum that you are wiring your Jabiru engine sensors. If you hit any roadblocks and want to see pictures of another 601/Jabiru/Dynon installation, just drop my a line. I can send you some pictures of how I did it. I am located just north of Cincinnati, so if you find yourself this way, you can look at the airplane.

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