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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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I dont see any problem with the Rotax 582....The Naysayers should take a look at how many Challenger Ultralights use the Rotax 582??? hundreds if not thousands of them without problems.
Any engine requires proper maintenance regardless of the TBO.
Great looking plane...have fun building and safe flying.
I will echo Walt’s comment. I have over 1000 hours on Rotax two strokes. Once I learned to operate and maintain them correctly, I had no trouble. If you take the time to learn the engine and how best to treat it, they are great engines. I loved my 582.
Tracy, great job on the 582. You'll get naysayers of the 2 stroke 582, but mine became real quiet when I pointed out that my 582 carried my butt across the US four times, 30,000 miles, with never so much as a hiccup. Properly maintained, its a great engine, and you can't argue with 30,000 miles. Not one problem.
Walt Snyder