Patrick Hoyt's Blog (4)

Video Cameras Used in Flight

Several people have asked about the video cameras that I've been using.  I've posted a few videos that include views from inside the cockpit (with audio), and views from outside the cockpit. 

I have an NFlightCam GPS+ (about 1 year old), and a GoPro Hero2 (about 5 months old), generally using both cameras at the same time on my test flights. 

These small video cameras have been a big help in my Phase 1 testing.  It's helpful to be able to "go back and review what…


Added by Patrick Hoyt on January 8, 2013 at 4:45pm — 7 Comments

Moving Day for the Zodiac Project

On Saturday, June 9th, several EAA Chapter 25 members gathered at my house to move the Zodiac project from it's humble birthplace in a Minnesota garage to a local airport.

The day began with one group meeting at the EAA chapter hanger for some early morning prep and cleanup operations, and another group meeting at my house to prepare the Zodiac for transport.  Several people displayed great stamina by participating in both operations during a hot, windy day and under a…


Added by Patrick Hoyt on June 15, 2012 at 2:53pm — 6 Comments

Cleaning the Canopy for the First Time

The canopy on my Zodiac was coated with engine oil which had been sprayed by the prop blast during initial run-up testing.  On top of this oil was several months of accumulated garage dust, grit, and debris.


I've noticed a rather disturbing tendency for visitors to rub the canopy in what I believe is simply an instinctive desire to make a clean spot.  Given that it's summer now, there are more people stopping over, and more people wanting to reach over and wipe off part of…


Added by Patrick Hoyt on June 19, 2011 at 9:46pm — 1 Comment

An Australian Adventure

Recently my wife (Mary) and I journeyed to Australia in celebration of her 50th birthday.  Being long-time EAA members and homebuilders, part of our vacation planning included establishing contact with Australian homebuilders who lived in the regions we were going to visit.


We've always enjoyed meeting fellow aviation enthusiasts.  Some of our most enjoyable times have been in the company of aviators who we've met at various places.  From small fly-ins at places like Brodhead…


Added by Patrick Hoyt on May 1, 2011 at 10:30pm — 7 Comments

New from Zenith:

Zenith Planes For Sale 

Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...

Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith

Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.

Zenith Homecoming Tee:

Zenair Floats

Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz

Builder & Pilot Supplies:

Aircraft Insurance:


Transition training:

Lavion Aero

K&S Aviation Services

Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!

How to videos from

Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.

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