Has anybody considered installing an 0-290-D2 engine on a Zenith 750?  Any pros or cons to this?  Dave

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Comment by Doug Cole on March 9, 2011 at 1:23am
Well, having owned a Piper Tri-Pacer I know that the O-290-D2 is probably THE MOST expensive airplane engine to find parts for, and overhaul of any aircraft engine under 200 HP.  I guess if you got one for free that won't need any work done on it for the life of your airplane it might be OK, but it is also a very heavy engine for the mere 135hp.  It would be my LAST choice.
Comment by Zenith.Aero on March 3, 2011 at 5:46pm
Based on the O-290 power and weight this should be a suitable engine for the CH750, especially with the 1440 lbs. gross weight (if flying as sport pilot with the 1320 lbs gross weight limitation, it may limit your useful load somewhat).

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