Brought my plane home yesterday. We have spent 130 hours together learning how to fly. Due to some less than perfect landings a new main spring needs fitting. I have also decided to carry out some mods. I have never been happy with the fit of the bubble doors so I am going to fit some extra latches to hold the door better. I have also been looking at some of the mods done on this site and have decided to fit VG onto the elevator, ordered from Zenith. I am also removing the folding wings brackets, its such a palaver using this system and it's still not safe to move the plane anywhere with the wings folded. It's easier to take them off and store them in separate storage mounts. I will also fit the Beanie mod, full appreciation for the origionator. I currently have round wing struts so will make fairings for same. And finally I am going to have another go at making the seats more comfortable, with the extra headroom from the Beanie mod I will have more options with seating positions. I guess you never loose the building bug. I love my 701 and having the freedom to change things fOra the better. I hope the next 130 hours are as much fun as the last.

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Comment by Jonathan Porter on August 12, 2012 at 1:58pm

Keep on building and flyin'!

Comment by Bob McDonald on August 12, 2012 at 6:53am

If the main gear spring rubbers keeps failing? Try cutting youself a set out of the car tire sidewall. Probably 50 times tougher and definately cheaper.

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