Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I am doing the annual inspections on my 601XLB and 701. While updating my log books I noted that i have flown my 601 for 2,655.7 hours and my 701 for 266.1 hours. Here is a map that shows all the flights in the two airplanes.
The 601 has proven to be a comfortable and capable cross-country traveler. I use the 701 mainly as a local flyer for sight seeing. The 701 is less comfortable, and slower but its maneuverability in tight situations and its ability to often out climb terrain in mountains is impressive.
My last note-worthy trip in the 601 was a few years ago. I flew the continental divide from Canada to Mexico. This took 5 days. Because I stayed right on the divide (when clouds allowed), there was plenty of high-altitude mountain flying. The 601 handled this with ease. Pictures from that trip can be viewed here: Continental divide trip. Pictures from other flying adventures can be found here: Airplane Trips.
Simply "WOW"
Amazing & Congratulations! Thank you for sharing!
I have a Camit in the 601. Prior to the Camit I had two Jabiru engines that both failed before 1,000 hours. The Camit has been in service for 10 years and has 1,325 hours on it now and is running perfectly. The compression test came in at 77, 76, 76, 77, 76, 77 and oil consumption was only 4 oz in the past 32 hours. Too bad Camit is dead and gone - cant buy anymore.
I have a 100hp rotax 912 in the 701.
Awesome , what engine do you have in both. I have a 701 and I am trying to finish my 650
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Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
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