Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Thank you to everyone who visited and participated at the 33rd annual Zenith Homecoming event!
What a fantastic Open Hangar Days and Fly-In!
Photos and videos of the 2024 event
Follow-up articles:
Thank you to the sponsors and participants!
See you next year! Save the date for 2025: September 19th & 20th
You're invited to the 2024 Zenith Homecoming / Open Hangar Days and Fly-In on September 20 and 21, 2024, in Mexico, Missouri. [Last updated: 9/16/24]
This will be our 33rd annual event at the kit aircraft factory in Mexico, Missouri. Join us at the Zenith HOMECOMING OPEN HANGAR DAYS and Builder Fly-In on both Friday and Saturday.
This year we're celebrating the 40th anniversary of the low-wing Zenith CH600 series designs by aeronautical engineer Chris Heintz, and we'll be showcasing the newly expanded Zenith Aircraft kit factory and hangar showroom.
As in past years, we are planning educational and fun (including flying) activities over two full days at the factory at Mexico Memorial Airport (KMYJ). Fly-in or drive in for the activities! Note: if you are planning to attend for only one day, we recommend Saturday as the best day to visit. Click on the video above for a brief summary of last's year's event:
The annual Zenith Homecoming event is presented by the Chris Heintz Foundation, Inc.
We'll have numerous activities for both builders and pilots of Zenith kit planes (as well as all aviation enthusiasts) starting on Friday morning. There will be new seminars and workshops (see below), and a Zenith "banquet" bbq dinner on Friday evening, and a dinner late Saturday afternoon right at the factory!
The annual Zenith Homecoming event is presented by the Chris Heintz Foundation, Inc. We thank the following sponsors and participants:
All indications are that we'll have a great turnout this year once again.
The free seminars and workshops presented at the Zenith Homecoming are a great way to learn about Zenith Aircraft and all of the options to choose from when building and finishing your own airplane. Plan to attend all day Friday for the seminars, especially if you're a Zenith builder or flyer (or planning to become one). If you've already built your Zenith airplane, consider participating on one of the panel discussions or hosting your own seminar (focusing on a specific topic of interest to fellow builders and flyers).
2024 Zenith Aircraft Homecoming: Schedule of Events
(Below is schedule, subject to updates. Times and topics subject to change).
Friday, September 20, 2024 at Mexico Memorial Airport
7:30 – 9:00 am Pancake breakfast, prepared by EAA Chapter 944, compliments of Wheels and Wings
9:00 - 9:50 am
10:00 - 10:50 am
11:00 - 11:50 am
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
1:00 - 1:50 pm
2:00 - 2:50 pm
3:00 - 3:50 pm
4:00 - 5:00 pm
5:00 - 7:30 pm (or later)
Saturday, September 21 at Mexico Airport (Tentative Schedule. Times and topics subject to change)
The Saturday events at the Zenith factory include self-guided Zenith factory tours, hands-on building projects inside the factory, Zenith aircraft on display in the air and on the ground, great food, and fun contests for our visitors to enjoy, along with educational seminars throughout the day. Stay for the late afternoon fried chicken dinner and awards ceremony starting a 4:30 pm. Note that some of the presentations on Saturday are repeat seminars from Friday. This allows visitors to sit in on presentations even if they are scheduled at the same time as other presentation.
Seminars, workshops, and activities. See actual schedule (link at top of page)
The Saturday events at the Zenith factory include self-guided Zenith factory tours, hands-on building projects inside the factory, Zenith aircraft on display in the air and on the ground, along with educational seminars throughout the day. Stay for the late afternoon fried chicken dinner and awards ceremony starting at 4:30 pm.
7:30 – 9:00 am Pancake breakfast (prepared by EAA Chapter 944, compliments of KITPLANES magazine and AVEMCO aviation insurance)
9:00 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 10:50 am
10:00 – 3:00 - Zenith Aircraft Show: A select group of Zenith aircraft builders and flyers will judge the Zenith aircraft flown in to the Homecoming, to choose a number of exceptionally built, equipped and finished Zeniths. The winners will be announced after the Saturday dinner, with some fantastic prizes to be awarded. (Airplane owners: Register your Zenith at the gazebo outside of the Zenith factory hangar all day Friday or on Saturday morning).
10:50 am: Annual "Group Photo" of builders and their planes in front of the Zenith factory.
11:00 - 11:50 am
12:00 pm - RIBBON CUTTING Zenith Aircraft Expansion. Join us for the ribbon cutting ceremony inside the newly expanded kit aircraft factory. Presented by the Mexico Area Chamber of Commerce, with local dignitaries. Inside the new expansion (west end).
12:30 - 1:20 pm
1:30 - 2:20 pm
2:30 - 3:20 pm
3:30 - 4:20 pm
4:30 - 6:00 pm - Fried Chicken Dinner and Awards Ceremony in front of the Zenith Aircraft factory. Cash bar opens at 3:30 pm, dinner starts at 4:30 pm. Awards will be presented following the dinner. Purchase your dinner tickets online or in the Zenith office.
4:30 pm Cleco Contest!: With the pre-dinner crowd watching and cheering you on, show off your cleco skills! Join in on the fun! Sign-up sheets will be available with a limited number of contestants allowed. (Zenith Hangar)
The banquet dinner will include special presentations, and there will be some fantastic door prizes from our valued sponsors and vendors! Purchase your dinner tickets online
On the ramp at Zenith Aircraft company and Mexico Memorial Airport
Zenith builders and owners: Fly in with your Zenith aircraft and show off your plane in the new Zenith Aircraft Show (like a car show, but with airplanes) and be judged by the public and experienced builders. All Zenith aircraft are welcome and encouraged to participate in the Aircraft Show, even if your plane is older and not polished!
The Open Hangar Days event presents the opportunity for visitors to tour the Zenith Aircraft factory, meet the Zenith staff, and to socialize (safely, of course, during this ongoing pandemic) with fellow pilots, builders, and aviation enthusiasts. Join us both days for educational seminars (see below) on building and flying your own airplane, plus learn all about the latest avionics and engine technology from several vendors at the event.
We'll have some great informal seminars from actual Zenith builders and pilots, including:
[Some of this info is from 2023]
For the latest program updates, download a copy of the actual schedule (link at top of this page) and see the Discussions tap on the Facebook event page.
The Saturday events at the Zenith factory include tours of the Zenith factory, hands-on building projects, Zenith airplanes on display in the air and on the ground, great food, and fun contests for our visitors to enjoy, along with educational seminars throughout the day.
We invite and encourage all Zenith builders, owners, pilots, and enthusiasts to come out! Learn more about building, flying and maintaining your Zenith aircraft, and meet with fellow builders and flyers. Owners of completed Zenith Aircraft are encouraged to fly-in for the activities and to show off their completed project to fellow builders (we will provide tie-down space and help facilitate ground transportation if possible).
Mexico's airport (KMYJ) offers 24-hr self serve fuel at competitive prices (including MOGAS), and has a terminal building with 24 hour access to the pilot lounge (with showers and internet access!). Let us know of any special needs or requirements.
Zenith owners: Please park your airplane as close to the Zenith factory as possible (on the Zenith ramp) on Saturday. Visitors come to see Zenith aircraft so make sure your aircraft can be found! We'll try to position and group all Zeniths in front of the factory for the group photo at 10:50 am. Please bring yourself a portable folding (lawn) chair. (Note that non-Zenith aircraft are welcome to fly in to the event but please park non-Zenith aircraft on the North end of the airport ramp parking area). Non Zenith aircraft types are invited to fly in for the events, but please park you aircraft on the north side of the main airport ramp area (well north of the fuel pumps) to allow space for Zeniths on the south side.
If flying in with your own aircraft, please bring your own aircraft tie-downs, especially if staying overnight.
There is no charge to attend the Open Hangar Day or any seminars or activities, with the exception of the Friday dinner at the Zenith factory.
Note to builders: You can arrange to pick-up parts and kits at the Open Hangar Day if the parts have been ordered, paid for and confirmed prior to the Open Hangar Day.
We can help you to carpool if you are flying in and need a ride to and from a local hotel.
Camping at the event: There will be free camping available.
Tent camping with your plane or car is available, or set up your camper in the designated camp area (north side of airport, by the entrance).
There's also a public campground at scenic Lakeview Park a few miles away in the city of Mexico.
We're be pleased to be offering the new 2024 Zenith Homecoming t-shirt at the event. Be sure to pick one up or order one now (quantities are limited!)
Thanks to all our fabulous partners and sponsors who continue to support the Zenith Homecoming year after year:
Zenith Open Hangar Days Participants and Sponsors (subject to change and updates. This list is from last year).
Aircraft Spruce and Specialty is a long time supporter and sponsor of the Zenith Homecoming events. Aircraft Spruce and Specialty is the leading aviation, aircraft, and pilot supply house in the world.
Experimental Aircraft Association
Charlie Becker, a director at EAA, will participate to share the latest from EAA, including updates on FAA rules and regulations affecting homebuilders and sport and recreational pilots, as well as info on EAA's available resources to help builders, owners and pilots of amateur-built aircraft, including the technical advisor and flight advisor programs.
LAVION AERO, represented by owner Phil Cook, is uniquely qualified to provide a range of flight training and services for owners of Zenith kit aircraft. Having built, flown, and tested his own Zenith CH 750 Cruzer, in addition to flying and instructing in numerous other experimental aircraft, Phil can provide builders/owners with: Build review and assistance, First flights, Transition training, Advanced avionics setup and familiarization, Phase 1 fight testing assistance, and Ferrying.
Garmin International Inc. will be on hand to show the new Zenith CH 750 / CH 650 Avionics Package featuring Garmin G3X Touch Experimental/LSA Avionics. Brad Brensing from Garmin will demonstrate the equipment and capabilities included in the new Garmin package being offered through Zenith. Garmin will be donating fantastic prizes once again.
Kitplanes magazine will participate to share information about Kitplanes magazine, the leading how-to homebuilt aircraft magazine, and will donate, together with Avemco Aviation Insurance, the free breakfast on Saturday morning!
Corvair Engine guru William Wynne of will attend to show the affordable Corvair auto conversion installation popular on many Zeniths.
UL Power will be on hand to represent the new generation of light aircraft engines. The UL Power aircraft engines are direct-drive air-cooled lightweight engines featuring full FADEC technology (with fuel injection and electronic ignition). Represented by Herman Eshuis of Wheels & Wings.
AeroLEDs offer state-of-the art lighting systems for light aircraft with the latest LED lighting technology, including nav/strobe lights and landing lights for light aircraft. AeroLED donates fantastic door prizes!
DUC Propellers is attending the Zenith Homecoming, represented by Gaetan Fouozing, who heads US Sales for the maker carbon composite aircraft propellers.
Viking Aircraft Engines produces a low-cost Honda-based light aircraft engine, and offers complete firewall-forward packages of the engine for installation in Zeniths. Jan and Alissa from Viking are returning to the Zenith Homecoming, flying from Florida in their Viking-powered STOL CH 750 Super Duty. Learn all about the Honda-based Viking engines, popular with many Zenith aircraft builders and owners. Jan will be demonstrating his STOL CH 750 Super Duty both the on ground and in the air, and will offer demo flights!
Our friends at F&A Cycle in Columbia, Missouri, will be participating at the Homecoming once again. F&A Cycle offers exceptional powder coating services as well as Cerakote finishes. Check out the amazing finish and workmanship of Jason's STOL CH 750 airframe on display inside the Zenith hangar, and visit F&A Cycle in Columbia for a full range of products and services, from RC cars, parts and accessories, engine rebuilds, restorations, suspension tuning, paint, and full powder coating services.
Avemco Insurance Company will be participating at the Zenith event, and is co-sponsoring, with KITPLANES magazine, pancake breakfast on Saturday morning: Come early for a free breakfast with the airplanes in front of the Zenith kit aircraft factory! Avemco is the only direct writer of aircraft insurance, connecting you directly with an underwriter who is empowered to solve problems and approve coverage instantly instead of a middleman who simply passes your request on to somebody else.
Dynon Avionics will demonstrate its new glass panel display systems, and is donating some fantastic prizes to be awarded during the Zenith Homecoming!
Wheels & Wings (from north-central Florida) offers professional builder assistance services. Meet with Herman to learn more about the services of Wheels and Wings and how they can help you complete your Zenith kit project.
Sensenich aircraft propellers will attend and participate once again at the Zenith Homecoming. Steve Boser, president of Sensenich propellers, will be on hand to represent his company and present a seminar and workshop on how to properly choose the right propeller for your Zenith airplane, whether you are looking for max climb or max cruise performance.
Citizens Bank will be participating at the Homecoming for the first time. The small town bank offers competitive financing tailored specifically to Zenith kit builders, and will be offering great prizes!
EAA Chapter 944 of Chillicothe, MO has also organized an aviation-themed Missouri specialty license plate featuring a Zenith STOL aircraft!
We've had fantastic events in past years at the Zenith Aircraft factory. Beautiful planes, perfect weather and awesome people! Check out some of the photos and videos from past events to get a feel about what the Zenith Homecoming is all about.
The last few years we have moved our larger gatherings outdoors to be able to better socially distance ourselves. Below: BBQ dinner on the Zenith ramp with the airplanes. What a great way to spend the evening!
Thank you to everyone who visited and participated at the 33rd annual Zenith Homecoming event!
What a fantastic Open Hangar Days and Fly-In!
Photos and videos of the 2024 event
Follow-up articles:
Thank you to the sponsors and participants!
See you next year! Save the date for 2025: September 19th & 20th
Join Zenith Aircraft at 12:00 pm (noon) on Saturday, September 21, for the official Mexico Area Chamber of Commerce “Ribbon Cutting” celebrating the recently completed Zenith Aircraft expansion.
The Zenith expansion project started last year and completed in August, adds more than 10,000 sq.ft. to the Zenith Aircraft Company kit aircraft factory. The expansion provides additional space for increased kit aircraft parts fabrication, as well as shipping and receiving, and allows for an expanded Zenith aircraft “showroom” hangar (to also host Zenith’s popular hands-on workshop classes).
Are you a musician? Make sure to bring your musical instrument to jam with fellow Zenith builders and pilots
Order your dinner tickets ahead of time here
Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...
Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith:
Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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Exlusive online community for active builders and pilots of Zenith Aircraft kits (Chris Heintz / Zenair light airplane designs).
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