I made a post on this topic somewhere in the blogosphere earlier and now I can't find it.  So, I will try again here.  I am looking at purchasing a circa 1997 "hangar find" Zenith 601 Kit (does not include an engine or the finishing kit).  A local EAA technical counselor who has assisted with two Zenith 601 projects advised me about a wing spar AD.  The wings are complete and in a cradle.  Looking around at all the places I can think of I cannot locate any information on the wing spar AD.  I also sent an email to Zenith yesterday and have not heard back from them. 

The current owner of the old kit is looking for the builder’s log if any. Anyone have any further information they can share per the wing spar AD and what it would look like?  I don't really want to disassemble completed wings to satisfy an AD but, obviously for safety, I will if I have to.    Thanks! 

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Comment by Bruce Luedeman on January 1, 2024 at 11:05am

Yes, I gambeled and picked up the project.   Many hours of cleaning and elbow grease later the pieces cleaned up nicely after so many years of storage.   The project originally started life in Illinois in 1997.  The original builder was about 90% completed with the basic kit when he passed away.  The project was then stored in back of a hanger till around 2022.  It was then moved to a barn owned by a distant relative in Carthage, Missouri.  Due to family obligations the second owner did not start on the project.  I heard about the project and made an offer.  I acquired the project in the Fall of 2023 and moved it to my garage/shop in Independence, MO.

I buy and sell unfinished A/C kits.  I really hate to see an otherwise good project just sitting around when a family or group of friends could be completing and flying a perfectly good finished air plane.   I sold the project Saturday afternoon December 30, 2022 to a very nice husband and wife team from Colorado Springs, Colorado.  They are both pilots and have the skills to finish the project.  If you would like to see some photo's of the parts I cleaned up please go by my website at www.HangarBuddies.com   Thanks and Best Wishes to you and your family in the New Year! 

Comment by Jason Zwyers on December 31, 2023 at 10:03pm

Hi Bruce,

Just ran into this post, did you make the purchase?  I also have a partially completed CH-601HD which looks like what is in the pictures.  I do plan to complete it in retirement.  I bought it back in the 90's with more free time on my hands but that all changed.  I did a lot of reading about the current models back then and don't recall any recommended upgrades to the wings.  Back then there was the CH-601HD which stood for Heavy Duty which was a constant cord hershey bar wing.  The other was the CH-601HDS which stood for Heavy Duty Speed,  The only difference was the HDS wing was a shorter tapered wing.  Those wing panels are interchangeable between both models. 

The AD that I'm aware of was for the CH-601XL which seemed to have spare issues and the mod became the CH-601XLB. That required the wing to come apart and the modification added. I was never involved with the work but does sound like it was very involved. 

Curious if you picked up the project?

Jason in near Warrenton, MO

Comment by Bruce Luedeman on September 29, 2023 at 4:42pm

Called Zenith Aircraft alte this afternoon and my question was answered.  The wing spar question is not an AD but rather a recommended upgrade by Zenith.  The Zenith staffer I talked to also told me what to look for.  I'll relay that information to the person that originally advised me about it.  

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