Seems like a milestone, completed my 50th hour on the project yesterday which nicely coincided with the completion of the final flaperon. It seems like I am making slow progress compared to everyone else but when I see my rudder, slats and flaps I think well I am certainly making some progress so that can't be bad.



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Comment by Paul Sanders on March 14, 2011 at 12:26pm
Yes I am definitely enjoying it (except when I make a stupid mistake), just wish I could find more time to do the work. I'm only home at weekends and feels like I should spend at least a little time with the wife :) Mind you, she's becoming an expert with the cleco pliers....
Comment by Mark Ertz on March 14, 2011 at 10:18am
Big build fast and you can see the progress.  Small builds slow and the light at the end of the tunnel seems weak.  However, building should be a joy.  So, take fotos and write it down.  No fear, as you get into it try to set  small goals along the way.  Most builds that quite only see the end zone.  Fliers only see IMC (impossible mission to complete) when building.  Have fun....
Comment by Mike Daniels on March 13, 2011 at 11:04pm
Congratz Paul.
Comment by Phill Barnes on March 13, 2011 at 5:16pm

Hi Paul

Sounds like you are comming alond quite nicely to me. It's a very satisfying to complete those big parts isn't it. I have some good news for you. It just gets better and better when those big parts start joining up.

Keep up the good work and stay motivated. Also don't forget that most people on this site love to help others so if you can't figure it out, shout.




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