We have been testing and our CH750 with the 97hp UL260i. Flight testing is going well and should be done for our trip to Sun n Fun.

Doing our best to keep it light it has minimal interior, EFIS, Comm, and Xpnder, along with the 159 lb UL260i engine. Empty weight came in at 701.5 lbs, on digital scales, weighed twice. The firewall forward kit is currently available for any of the ULPower engines, 97, 107, 118 and 130hp. A second UL powered 750 should be taking to the skies any day now in Ohio. Check out my new site for more engine info. http://www.flywithgus.net Also check out the first flight video below.

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Comment by Wiggy Greacen on August 2, 2010 at 9:56pm
Can you guys talk a little more about your W&B calculations. Seb said that the 1440# rated version of the 750 can now use the 0-320. I've read discussions here (Zen Aero engine thread) that the Lycoming 225 is too nose heavy for a proper W&B. I weigh 270 with clothes and boots on. I also have the high range fuel tanks.

Gus - Keep up the good work. I'm still looking for the best option for my high altitude needs. 7100' in the front yard with 9600' density altitude typical in summer. Can you send me a link to Ray (northern New Mexico).
Comment by Michael J. Festa Sr on July 30, 2010 at 4:46pm
Dear Gus,
Met you @ Oshkosh and was really impressed. Your professionalism was impressive and your help to me, was appreciated. Never realized UL came as high as 130 horsepower. How's the fuel flow on that motor?? I'm still going with the Corvair 2800ci. It's all what I can afford, so there it is. On that first flight video, looked like she wanted to go over on its back. That nose HAD to eventually lower. Bye for now. Mike Festa A&P 750Vair
Comment by Bob Pustell on June 5, 2010 at 5:38pm
The other thing it would be "good to go with" would be two normal weight americans instead of two FAA standard fictional people.
Comment by Gus Warren on April 20, 2010 at 9:30am
Empty weight 701.5 at 282.16mm. Forward with 1 170 lb pilot, no baggage and 18lbs fuel, 359.5mm at 889.5 lbs. Rear loading with 2 170 lb pilots, 40 lb baggage, and full fuel (24 gallons), 468mm at 1225.5 lbs. Looks like it will be good to go with 15 pounds more engine (UL350 series, 118 and 130hp) or a forward baggage area up to 20 lbs under the cowl.
Comment by Eric Franks on April 18, 2010 at 6:02am
Very clean lines! Would you be willing to share what the empty weight center of gravity came out as? My simplistic calculation of a 600# useful at the aft limit at maximum gross (24gal, 40# baggage, & 416# people) assuming a 720# empty weight would be about 326mm. Just trying to determine if, like my C172G, as you approach gross weight will you be limited in your loading distribution. Thanks!

Comment by Gus Warren on April 9, 2010 at 6:23am
Sorry for the confusion. I meant the video section here on Zenith.Aero.

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