i fabbed up the lower strut  attachment bracket ( i havent done the upper or rigged it yet ) and noticed somthing different from the plans and the photo assemble guide and it has me a little worried

 in the photto you will see the  the lower bolt goes through the u shaped fitting, to slide over the fuse attachment point. in the plans is calls for the bolt to not go thought that ( as far as i can tell) and be drilled just after the u shaped channel and thought  just the tube  ,well i did it acording to the photo assemble guide and installed the tube flush with the strut . that put the first bolt (thats drilled at 12 mm) thought that channnel . i checked for edge distance  on the big an-6 bolt  to the smaller an-4 on the strut and have 20 mmm. but my question is   , does that weaken the sturt or is it now big deal , the photo assemble guide show it done this way , has any one else done it like the photo assemble guide or like the plans???? 

the photo assemble guide  must have been doen when building at least one 750 so there has to be at least one out there flying like that




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Comment by Phill Barnes on June 11, 2011 at 5:39am

Hi Tracy

I have no experience with the 750 part in question except to say that the plans always superceed the photo assembly guides. From how I read your blog, I think that you are saying that the edge distance from the center of the AN6 hole to the end of the tube is 12mm. The edge distance at 1.5 x diameter should be 15mm so it is a little out of tollerance. What edge distance does the plans show to the end of the tube? I guess weather or not your edge distance is acceptable or not would rely on the OK from Roger or Sebastien because it is after all a pretty important piece of structure to be less than perfect on. Hope it all works out OK for you.



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