Has anyone tried the push rods where the

bell crank is mounted to the spar web,

and where can the writer get some

more info on this?

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Comment by Phill Barnes on December 21, 2012 at 8:17pm

Hi John

Yes this has been done by one of our members and his name is http://www.zenith.aero/profile/JeffGarrett . I can't see why you would want to do this as the spar web is only thin sheet and probably shouldn't have for and aft pressure applied to it because its vertical strength is what holds the spar caps apart. Obviously this can be overcome by adding bigger vertical angles like Jeff did but the the pressure is still there. I think it is just a bad idea messing with the spar when you don't need to. The pushrods that I and many others made, are largely based on the original control setup and alignment and it works well. Up to you though, I just thought if I was going to give you the link to the info I would accomodate it with my opinion.


Merry Christmas







My pushrods


Date:  10-24-2010
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference: 
Brief Description:  Aileron pushrods L/H
Made a 1/8" foot for the torque tube swing arm and installed it with 3 X AN3 bolts after cutting the bottom of the swing arm off to allow clearance for the AN5 bolts. Leveled the control sticks and the torque tube swing arm. Marked and cut the pushrod tube. Installed the pushrod end
' style=
I will add penny washers to all rod ends for safety
I will add penny washers to all rod ends for safety
' style=

' style=


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