ALSA Announces Plans To Hold Stabilizer/Elevator Workshop In Conjunction With Zenith's Rudder Workshops

American Light Sport Aircrafters (ALSA) here in Mexico, MO, will be holding a tail empennage workshop giving participants the opportunity to complete the horizontal stabilizer and elevator for their airplane in a comfortable, relaxed, climate controlled atmosphere.


The Zenith workshops are normally over with by noon, if not sooner on Friday and the ALSA Stabilizer/Elevator Workshop will begin where the Zenith Rudder Workshops end. This way persons in attendance would not find it necessary to make an additional trip. Instead those wishing to take part will simply stay around for a few more days and work on the tail empennage of their airplane.


The workshops are planned to last an additional 3 days, and end on Monday afternoon. In most cases the the tails will be completed during these few extra days but as Sebastien always reminds everyone, "This is not a race and there are no prizes for getting done first." Those not completed will have the option of staying on to complete the project, taking it with them to complete at home, or having us complete it for them. For those wanting to continue working on their project at our facility, storage is available.


If you are interested in taking part in one of these workshops please give us a call at 573-721-4400, or send me an email at



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