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Aluminum cutter 2.0 - A dremel tool is probably the most useful tool tol help with your homebuilt project. When trying to use a cutoff wheel, however, you have to control depth, angle and path all at once. Dremel doesn't make a base for the tool like the base on a skilsaw, but that would really help!
Dremel does make an attachment that threads onto the nose of the tool - Lawn mower sharpening attachment # 675. If you get this and cut off the front to 1.75",, it will clear one of the new quick change 1.5" dia. cutoff wheels. Add a plastic or plywood base that is 5 mm or 1/4" thick to allow the tool body to clear the surface being cut. The base is 1.75 x 1.5 "
drill 1/16" and safety wire to the molded attachment four places. This really helps control the miniature cutoff wheel and makes a very useful tool for making cutout windows on the skins.
Hope this helps you build - Best Regards,
Larry Zepp Zodiac 650B builder
Clever tool. Thanks! I love being able to shamelessly borrow good ideas.....
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