I finally did it!

I flew N990MK maidens flight yesterday and everything went well!

No, the wings did not fall off!

All the bantering back and forth about the safety of the 601s had me quite concerned, so much so that my airplane, signed off by a DAR 19 months ago, had to be annual-ed before its first flight.

The most recent letter from the FAA put my mind at ease.

A few minor adjustments and its back off into the wild blue yonder.

Any of you that have the same concerns that I had and wish to talk about it, e-mail at aprazer@cableone.net.

601XL/Jab 3300

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Comment by Jake Reyna on August 1, 2009 at 9:17am
Comment by Roger Lambert on July 31, 2009 at 12:47pm
Additional Congratulations here. Make a serious effort to maintain and fly your airplane within its parameters, and you'll enjoy the flying for a long time.
Comment by Dr. Edward M. Moody II on July 31, 2009 at 12:19pm
Congratulations Mack! Welcome to the club. Now wipe that grin off before you get a cramp. Having lived in MT for a few years (eons ago) I have to tell you that living on the ground that far north is far more risky than flying an XL. And please... never again take anything the government says that seriously. Life is already too short to spend it on the ground worrying.


PS: The greatest lie in history: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".

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