I just posted several pictures from a couple of ARF flights. ARF is Animal Rescue Flights, a group that helps get animals from shelters where they'll likely be killed to new shelters or new owners that will take care of them. If you're looking for something to do with your airplane, give them a look.

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Comment by Jay Maynard on January 1, 2010 at 11:46am
I don't think the new style canopy would help: it's not significantly taller, and it's nowhere near as deep, so a crate isn't any more likely to fit.
Comment by Alberto Martin on January 1, 2010 at 11:25am
What a Beautifuld cause, Jay. What if you had the new style canopy on your XL?
Comment by Jay Maynard on February 22, 2009 at 3:27pm
Most ARF dogs are sent in crates. That's the one problem with using my Zodiac for these flights: the baggage area is small enough that only a small crate will fit. The right seat is even worse, unless the airplane has the Y-stick (which mine does not) or the right stick can somehow be removed.

Both of my trips were done with the dog wearing a harness, which I then secured to the seat belt. I need to work on that, since Bear (on the second flight) decided to jump up onto the baggage shelf right as I was rotating for takeoff...
Comment by Tim Garrett on February 22, 2009 at 11:10am
Jay - I just visited the ARF site. Thanks for posting what you are doing with your plane and pointing to this worthwhile cause. Anyone who loves animals and flying can relate to what you are doing.

I do wonder what precautions are taken with flying with animals. Do you strap the larger dogs in? Some were kept in containers but it looked like your flight the dog was sitting in the seat. How well do they ride? I guess it would be a function of the particular dog but I worry about one getting into controls. I would be interested in hearing more...

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