At what stage the engine is better to be installed

I,m building a kit 750  bought it 2008 and  just finished installing the main landing gear and controls . The engine going to be installed is Rotax912, The questions are.
1- What type and  size of bolts and nuts  to fix the engine mount to the fire wall? there are 6 holes for that
2- Is it good time to install the engine now before joining the wings and tail?


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Comment by Adel Alyahya on July 5, 2011 at 12:09pm

Thanks Bob for the information , today I installed the horizontal stabilizer using three bags of sand on the engine mount .

I have the DVD I think there is most of the information and details I need for installing the engine  but there is a missing details not included in  Zenith assembly manual and the manual of installing the engine which is the fire wall and engine mount ,. and now just found a good example of engine mount already installed from Bill's page which is a great help for me


 thank you all


Comment by Bill Alexander on July 4, 2011 at 10:33pm


It can be eight bolts, if you use two each in the upper left and right mounting points. I just posted a picture on my page.


Comment by Bob McDonald on July 4, 2011 at 8:48pm
Now is the time to install the engine...or at least a 130 lb weight on the engine mount. This keeps the nose on the ground instead of falling on its tail when you install the rudder & elevator / horizontal stabilizer. I hung a welder on my motor mount for a couple weeks about this point in the construction. The Zenith FWF kit for the Rotax 912S is good, and the Homebuilt Help Rotax 912S Install CH750 DVD is a good purchase. Its my engine install that was recorded for the DVD.

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