"B" model designation for Zodiac CH601XL and CH650

With the advent of the upgrade package for the Zodiac CH 601 XL, owners
have asked for a way of easily identifying and marking an upgraded
aircraft, and a consensus quickly formed that a "B" model designation
was the preferred way of identifying an upgraded aircraft (applying to
upgraded Zodiac CH 601 XL and CH 650 aircraft models).

We've prepared quality cut-out decals for the aircraft: We encourage all affected builders who have completed the upgrade to
display the "B" model designation on their aircraft to display that this
is an Upgraded aircraft.

A decal sheet is now available from Zenith Aircraft Company: to order your free decal sheet (as shown
below), go to http://decal.kit.aero and complete
the online request form.
Decals are only available to builders/owners who have completed installation of the Upgrade Package.
Decal sheet (8.5"x11"), available in choice of black or white lettering:

Decal sheet, available in black or white lettering:

White decal (for pasting on darker surfaces) as shown on the Zenith CH 601 XL fuselage side:
Lettering is 1.25 inches tall:

White "B" on the top of rudder:

Black decal on red (for neutral or light background):

The solid "B" decal added to an existing decal on this Zodiac CH650LS:

We invite all builders and owners who have completed the upgrade to send us a photo of the upgraded aircraft so that we can start a new online
photo gallery of upgraded Zodiacs!

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Comment by Darryl Legg on June 5, 2010 at 1:44am
So after all the brou-ha ha and carry-ons, is the issue laid to rest after the modifications have been completed, or is more testing required? I would sure like to finish and move on......
Comment by Richard Vetterli on June 2, 2010 at 7:49pm
I'm a big guy, so I was going to call mine a 601XXL, but I guess the B is okay.
Comment by Paul Hammond on June 1, 2010 at 3:37pm
ah yes a man can always admire a beautiful bird
Comment by James Roberts on May 31, 2010 at 9:14am
both probably!
Comment by Bob Pustell on May 30, 2010 at 4:10pm
Are you referring to the silver airplane or the girl leaning on it, Steve?
Comment by Bob Pustell on May 29, 2010 at 8:10pm
Nice decal sheet, Sebasitien! It will be a year or two before my build is complete, but I will be incorportating the upgrade as I build (just got the upgrade kit a few weeks ago, thanks). I hope you are still providing the decal kit at the time my birdie is flying..... Thanks, also, for going to all the trouble and effort at the factory to get through this. Not every kit maker would have the strength or the fortitute to do all you did, to take this problem through to the other side. I appreciate it.

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