Copied Phil Smith's idea for seats.He posted here:

Light Weight Seats

I added memory foam found here:

Memory Foam

Also visible is the cover for the fwd flight controls.

I plan to do the baggage and behind/around the seats with car speaker felt.

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Comment by Normand Lambert on June 14, 2012 at 10:21am

HI Steven,

As I told Phil, they really look good ! If mine were not done, I would of gone that route too...Almost Too nice to fit in a JEEP (even a SKYJEEP) !!! :-)


Comment by Phil Smith on June 10, 2012 at 4:33pm



Think about adding the HVAC insulation to the inside of the baggage cpt. Really quiets down the "701 rumble" - if you've flown one you know what I mean.  I added the HVAC mtl to both sides and top...the rear bulkhead and the bottom of the baggage area are done on the reverse side "inside" the fuselage.  Also you might look at the carpet idea, again purchased from your local Lowes Aircraft Supply.  I was just going to do the floor of the baggage area and the floor of the cockpit but a friend suggested that I make it all one pc and start from the rerar of the baggage area continue down over the rear of the seats thru the seat pan and over the front.  The only mistake I made was not to carry it in one pc down the bulkhead to the floor... my bad.  Actually went a lot easier than I thought and by making the "corregated" plastic pcs to fit fiirst then gluing on the carpet it really came out well.  Just used some velcro in a couple of places to hold it all down on the floor and double sided carpet tape in the rest of the areas.


Glad you like my seat idea. Can't tell from the pic if you are flying but it beat the herk out of a canoe cushion.





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