A blog (or weblog) is simply a web page for you to share information (on building and flying). Blogs are easily created and archived, which make them excellent for presenting a building log (or diary), or to report on a recent flight or trip. Blog entries are displayed in reverse-chronological order, and viewers can follow your progress by scrolling through your blog posts.
Blog posts are easily created, and can contain photos and web links (to other sites or photos, etc.) as a part of your post. This makes a blog post especially useful. Once your blog post has been published, viewers (or readers) can comment on your post (and you can also edit your post in the future).
To create a new blog post, simply click
Add a Blog. (With most web browsers you can right-click your mouse to open the link in a new window or tab.)
Post Title: Make sure to use a descriptive and interesting title for your blog post, and let your readers know what you are building (or flying). For example: "STOL CH 701 Wing Assembly, Day 3."
Blog Post Entry: First type in your text (as you would an email message). You can then add formatting, links and photos to your post using the formatting bar (shown below). To format text, first highlight (select) it, and then click on the formatting button: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Add Hyperlink, and Add Image.
You'll notice that the formating (html settings) will appear in your blog editing window when you apply formating: This is normal - use the Preview button at the bottom of the page to see what the published blog will look like.
We highly encourage you to
include photos with your blog posts - this makes your post a lot more interesting to read. (Also, if you have a series or group of photos you'd like to share, it's often more interesting to post them as part of a blog rather than just adding them to the photo galleries. The blog post gives you full control over the description and sequence of your photos).
Note: Do not use the "upload a file" link for photos - use this only for non-displaying documents (such as a PDF or Word or Excel files).
You can save your post as a Draft, or Preview your post before "publishing" it. This gives you plenty of opportunity to experiment with your blog posts...
One of the best ways to learn about "blogging" is to view
existing blogs.
We give you full control over your blog posts. You can choose who to share your blog with (privacy settings) as well as who can comment on your blog posts, and you can always edit, change or delete your posts.
For obvious reasons, we ask that your blog posts be about building and flying Zenith aircraft, and as much as possible, we ask that your posts be of general interest to fellow builders and flyers.
(Note that there are a number of free blogging websites open to the public, such as
Blogger or
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