Thank you for your concern... I am alive and still kicking :>)
I kind of stepped away from all my normal activities (except work) last October when my father "Robert Bruce McDonald" was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig's) disease.
At 85 yrs. the progression of this disease was very rapid. He was unable to walk after Jan.2014, and almost totally paralyzed and unable to speak by May 2014. He passed away June 07, 2014 aged 86 yrs.
His only request was to stay in his 3-storey house with his wife (my mother) aged 82 long as possible.
Unable to save my father, all I could do was try to save my mother as she had lost 15 lbs caring for my father.
My time was split between work and helping my mother care for Dad.
He was in the hospital less than 24 hrs before passing away.
My soul could really use the experience of attending the 40th Anniversary Zenair Open House at Midland, Ontario.
"But" regretfully I have to work this weekend. I am retiring July 30th so perhaps I will see you all at the Zenair booth in Oshkosh?

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Comment by RANDY L HALLOCK on July 24, 2014 at 11:49pm

Sorry about your Dad Bob, I hope your retirement goes well, have fun and god bless. A prayer for your mother and  your Farther RIP.

Comment by James R Depfer Sr. on July 21, 2014 at 9:57am

Hello Bob,

Its nice you're back on the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's always difficult when losing a family member, even when it is expected. From experience, let me suggest you keep a close eye on your mother to make sure she gets through the grieving period without getting too depressed. 

Comment by Dan Dempsey on July 19, 2014 at 10:06pm

Bob, Sounds like your a man with a good set of priorities. Sorry for your loss.

Comment by Don Morrisey on July 17, 2014 at 8:39pm
Hi Bob....don't know you but feel your pain. So sorry for the loss of your Dad. I lost my best friend Ray to ALS in 2010 and I think of him often. It's a terrible disease. The form Ray had was called Bulbar and is the most aggressive...he died within a month of being diagnosed which was actually a blessing. No cure...maybe some day.
Comment by Shafid Khan on July 16, 2014 at 11:08pm

Sorry to hear about your father Bob. One day we would like you to visit us here in New Zealand, we shall look after you. Cheers.

Comment by James Cameron on July 16, 2014 at 5:03pm
Bob, sorry to hear about your loss. I really do hope you are able to dedicate some time in the future to the Zenith community-- you've been a tremendous resource for many people.
Comment by Rick George on July 16, 2014 at 1:24pm

HI Bob, glad to hear from you. Sorry about your Father, no mater how we prepare, it is difficult, when we lose someone. Hope to hear more about your next projects. 

Comment by Bob McDonald on July 16, 2014 at 10:06am

Your "right on the money" about the attention my mother requires as she transitions to single matriarch. The paper / legal work has really confirmed the old saying about "Death & Taxes".

Stinson's main rebuild issue is always the rare and hard to get parts Franklin engines. I have a friend who went through a rebuild process lasting 2 yrs only to have the engine rebuilder die before its completion. Stinson's are wonderful aircraft.

Comment by Bob Pustell on July 16, 2014 at 9:56am

Hey, Bob, Good to hear from you. Sorry about your loss. I can identify, having lost both my parents in the last few years. Of my parent's five kids, four of us live within two hours of each other and the folks, so we could share the burden of care around some but it is still a huge undertaking. Like your Dad, my folks wanted to stay home and we managed to make it work for them both. They both made it into their 90's. You did well, by the sound of things.

Enjoy having time with your Mom. When my Dad died she needed us even more until she stabilized in her new role as single matriarch. You sound like a great son and I am sure you will do right by her, for her and with her.

Enjoy retirement! I made that step six years ago and it has been wonderful. I recommend retirement highly. I have never been so busy in my life as I am now. Right now my business is getting my Stinson's fresh engine installed and getting the plane back in legal flying condition (the annual expired waiting for the engine). If the stars all line up I will see you at OSH after flying the Stinson there.

Comment by Normand Lambert on July 15, 2014 at 2:58pm

Hi Bob, 

Sorry to hear of your loss. It is never easy and neither is taking care of those who stay behind...

Be well and hope to hear from you more often ! HAPPY RETIREMENT ... NEVER TOO EARLY !!!



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