As I have continued on with building my plane and having the space, I wanted to make some more benches. These pictures were made last year. What makes these a little different than other benches is that I decided to make the benches modular. The tables are 4x4 in size instead of the usual 4x12 that is often made. I made a 4x12 when I first started building, but that one has been retired in favor of the 4x4 benches. Even if someone had more limited space, using 4x4 tables could make easier to move them out of the way or even stack them up when not needed.

The construction is based on the Kreig pocket joiner tool, which is easily found on amazon or in the box stores.

Another feature is that the bottom of the rail of the table is at the right height to fit a pallet jack underneath to make it easy to move around.

Krieg also has a tool that makes it easier to hold the cross rail.

I have built about 14 of these tables. So at times I have had a bit of an assembly line going.

I used adjustable leveling feet. The table rails must be leveled before attaching the table top.

A completed bench. Despite using 2x4s, I have had no problems yet with sagging when the lower shelf is loaded down with all sorts of tools.

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