New to aircraft.

The gas cylinders on my aircraft 601XLB are listed at 40 lbs.

They hold the canopy up but if I step on the wing walk to get in the canopy falls.

Is that the best the cylinders should work? Seems poor to me.

Are they not working correctly?

Can or should I get higher pressures cylinders?

Thanks for your reply.

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Comment by Jeff Butzer on June 17, 2018 at 7:04pm
My 40 lbs. struts were worn-out when I purchased 601GH last month. They were replaced with 40 lbs. struts. Seem to work fine. The canopy goes up with a little help, not much. It doesn’t gather any momentum on the way to the top, which could be a concern if it were to happen with 60 lbs. replacements(?).
Comment by Dick Miles on April 7, 2018 at 6:23pm

Thank you both. 

I will change mine to the 60 lb. version.

Comment by Stan Cooper on April 7, 2018 at 1:13pm

I replaced mine with 60 pound struts.

McMaster-Carr p/n 9416K12. $13.69 each.

McMaster-Carr 9416K12 60 lbs Gas Spring

Comment by Patrick Hoyt on April 7, 2018 at 11:28am

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