I finally ran some fuel through my project.  I am building a ch 640 from scratch.  I am using a subaru engine with an RFI redrive that I built also from scratch.  I bought a set of redrive plans from Don Parnham, and also had him do my computer harness etc.  It finally purrs like a kitten.  I ran it today for about an hour checking cooling, oil temp, redrive belt tracking etc.  It really lights the old building fire again.  Since I am building from scratch it has been horfically slow due to life getting in the way but I have all the major components done now i.e. wings, tail, fuse.  Wow what a journey!!  By the way, I dont live too far from 44U salina /Gunnison airport.  If any zenith builders ever stray in to our neighborhood I would love to come to the airport and look at your projects!!  Just give me notice and Ill meet you there and pick you up and buy you a hamburger!!

Fly safe!!

Kay C Caldwell  Utah.

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