I understand from Matronics list that the rudder and elevator cable tensions are: 305 and 205 respectively. Can anyone please tell me in what units these are measured?

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Comment by Ralph Sanson on September 16, 2010 at 11:43pm
There is discussions on this in the forums (701).

look up my page for some descriptions/photos.

The best you can get is to adjust elevator tension so that the stick lays central when elevator is held neutral position. Placing the bungee to keep the slack off the down elevator cable and a bias on the stick to its right helps, nothings perfect, never will be, I find it OK

Rudder must be adjusted with nosewheel fully extended, make sure theres no weight on it
Comment by Chris Aysen on September 16, 2010 at 12:10pm
I personally talked to Caleb at Zenith and he told me 20 lbs on the rudder cable and 30 lbs on elevator cable. It seems the tensions you got from Matronics are opposite of the ones Caleb gave me; units aside...... But I would assume your units are in/lb measurements....... Conversion: 1 lb (force) equals 1.3558 N

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