G'day All,
I am preparing my POH and preparing for first flights but am having trouble with expected/estimated airspeeds - can anyone provide a set of actual airspeeds that I can use as a starting point - I do realise that every aircraft is different.
The plans obviously provide the basics (Never Exceed, Max Cruise, Max Maneuvering, and flap extend) but what about the others, if you can provide any or all it would be much appreciated.
Stall clean
Stall landing config.
Best angle of climb
Best rate of climb
Cruise climb
Best glide
Best sink
Normal decent
Paul Schelfhout

Views: 1181


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Comment by John Marzulli on April 11, 2013 at 12:33pm

Feel free to use anything you want from my POH: http://sdrv.ms/XWKy4o

Results may vary based on engine, empty weight, pilot weight, streamlining, ect.

Realistically you are going to have to work VERY hard to get a stall in any configuration. I only got one break... and that was in a "clean" configuration around 20-25MPH after diving to pickup speed. Critical angle was about 50 degrees.

Vx was about 35

Yy is about 60.

Glide is about 55

I use 70MPH for my cruise climb and cruise at 85MPH throttled back to 5100RPM on my 912S.

Good luck!


Comment by Chris Aysen on April 4, 2013 at 7:53am

Best glide came in at 52 mph with 4 mph tailwind. Stall (landing) 38 mph at gross weight; no flaps. Approach 55 - 60, best rate 51, sink rate really noticable under 50. These numbers may not pertain to yours; to many variables. However, it should give a place to start.


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