A big day on April 13th as we pulled the CH750 out of the hangar and started the engine. The 0200 roared to life and sounded like a million bucks. We ran the engine for about 15 minutes, then shut down and back in the hangar. The last remaining items are so simple (and small). I have three bugnuts coming from Spruce to attach mixture, carb heat and cabin heat. I safety wired everything last night. Once the bugnuts are installed it's time to weigh, complete weight and balance exhibits and submit paperwork for AW. My DAR has been out twice and tells me that it takes about one business day to get FAA assignment to inspect. I hope to be in the air this weekend but am going to wait for that great early morning condition for first flight. I checked my construction log this morning. 632 hours since that first cleco back in October of last year. Being retired, I have been able to build every day. The hardest part was waiting for parts that were not yet available. It's been a great experience. I'll report on first flight soon.

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Comment by Jim Smith on April 23, 2009 at 7:11am
April 23, CH750 is completely finished. DAR is due on Saturday for final inspection and it could be in the air Saturday afternoon weather permitting. I'm on no commission from Dynon but let me say how great the flightdeck 180 is. I literally have every instrument I could use in one unit. Yesterday I taxied out with the GPS and calibrated the compass sooooo easy and it's now absolutely tracking with the 496. In the meantime I'm watching CHT, EGT, fuel use (by the 1/10th of a gallon) as well as oil temp, oil pressure, fuel pressure, carb air temp, etc etc. The only "steam" gauges in the Z bird is an additional air speed and an inclinometer. One last note: empty weight was 798 with a Sensenich 76" wood prop. I'll let y'all know about flight tests next week.
Comment by Dr. Edward L. Olds III on April 22, 2009 at 5:51pm

Great day for you! I've got about 65 hours into my project and only have a rudder and horizontal stabilizer, you put me to shame! Keep up the great progress and we'll all be waiting for the first flight.

Comment by joseph hanz on April 15, 2009 at 9:24pm
Congradulations on a job well done. I will be very interested to hear how your progress is going. Please post as many pictures as you can and keep us posted on your progress. I too am building a 750 and I will also be using a 0200.
Regards, Joe
Comment by Ken Ryan on April 14, 2009 at 1:53pm
Congratulations Jim! Get someone to video that first flight. Also, if you would, please post weight and balance info when you get it. I'm very interested in what your empty weight is.

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