What I am going to try to do here is generate a list of images of drawings I created in AutoCAD. All the major parts have been laid out for the CH-750 on 4 x 12 sheets representative of the 6061-T6 material needed to scratch build the 750. Most of the parts have been re-drawn from the 750 drawings and some of the more complicated parts have been represented as blocks on the sheets large enough for those parts such as the Cabin Side which is complicated but can be represented by a simple rectangle.

These sheet layouts are just a representation of how the pieces could fit and do not claim to be the most efficient use of material. All major parts that require a full 4 x 12 sheet have been represented as well as any other sizeable parts I could find as I went through the drawings. There are a number of smaller parts that I have not represented. It is my contentions that there will be enough scrap material to create the smaller pieces.

I did not include anything over 63 thousandths. Miscellaneous parts like the Flaperon Arms that are made out 1/8th inch think plate have not been represented since they can be made from small sheets of material that can easily be shipped by UPS for a nominal fee.

I will not swear that I caught every piece that is over 24 inches square but I believe I have. If you find any errors please let me know and I will fix them. If you have any questions please write.


I hope that other builders just looking to start their project find these drawings valuable.  Since I am having problems with loading all the drawings into this bolg I am going to put them into a PDF.  That the may work out better sine the images can be viewed better in a PDF.  A PDF has more zoom function than the bolg does.



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Comment by Anthony Banks on March 20, 2021 at 4:27am

Hi - would you consider sharing the autocad files at all please. We are doing a high school build project of the Cruzer and having the CAD files would speed things up to say the least. Many thanks - Banksy

Mr Anthony Banks

Teacher - Aerospace Systems, STEM, Unmanned Aircraft & Robotics | Mueller College Limited

75 Morris Road, ROTHWELL, Q, 4022 | PO Box 487, REDCLIFFE, Q, 4020

T (07) 3897 2749 | F (07) 3204 0404 | E a.banks@mueller.qld.edu.au | W www.mueller.qld.edu.au


Comment by Jan Elkjaer on April 2, 2013 at 3:50pm

Thanks !  Big help .. :-)

Comment by Deon Lombard on November 18, 2012 at 3:21am

Ditto, cant believe the factory doesn't give a materials list, thank you for the help.

Comment by Jesse Hartman on February 17, 2011 at 3:00pm
Hey thanks alot.  I now have a starting point on how much 6061 I need.  BIG HELP.

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