As we enter 2009 we all look back to what we did and forward to what we would like to do. One thing is for sure 'We can't change the past, BUT we can shape the future'.

Here in Ghana, West Africa, through WAASPS and Medicine on the Move ( we see aviation changing lives every day. Through training people to build aircraft, teaching them to fly and setting up the first West African flying doctor service.

We operate the largest private airfield in West Africa (that does not make it big by the rest of the worlds standards) - and we are opening up new airfields, building a new factory, building a trauma clinic, etc.

We are always looking for like minded individuals to spend some time with us changing lives.

We are also sure that many of you change peoples lives through aviation (especially with Zenith STOL aircraft!).

The image above is from an education day we did with the local Queen Mothers (the female equivalent of Chief in a Village). Now, when we fly over villages the children can ask their Queen Mother about how airplanes fly, and it has changed an entire districts approach to aviation. These Queen Mothers from the Manya Krobo tribe, look after over 1,300 HIV orphans and vulnerable children - all of whom now have exposure to aviation through our training day. We flew a number of the Queen Mothers - for all of whom it was their first time in an aircraft of any description. Such events are a real blessing to all concerned - perhaps more to those of us delivering than those receiving. Which just goes to prove that giving is more rewarding than receiving!!!

If you look carefully you may see that the ladies actually designed a cloth with aircraft wings on it and produced special dresses for their aviation day out!!! It was a great day and the Ministry of Aviation sent a Director to support the day... this led to change in Aviation Policy for the nation - providing much increased support for Light Aviation. This is really help to shape a better future for millions of people in the coming years.

Please share how YOU are shaping the future with your aircraft and love of aviation. If you would like to come out to Ghana and do some shaping here - that is also possible!!!

May God bless us all with safety and opportunities to shape a better future in 2009.

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Comment by Tim Garrett on January 3, 2009 at 6:39pm
Great story!

I use my Zodiac XL to inspire patients living with multiple sclerosis like me.

General Aviation News just did an updated story on my project.

I've seen newly diagnosed MS patients light up when they see that they can still have fulfilling life. I talk about dreams and how powerful they are to your life and to NEVER GIVE UP YOUR DREAMS!
Comment by Juan Vega on January 1, 2009 at 9:03am
how can someone get involved in flying in ghana for your group?


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