Zenith encourage you to pick the right engine for your aircraft as they indicate below

3. Choose Your Engine:
Zenith aircraft are not designed around a specific engine, giving you, the builder, the choice to install the powerplant that best suits your needs. The CH 650 and CH 750 models share the same firewall, making a wide array of engines (and corresponding firewall-forward installation packages) available. Choose the engine for the performance you want, at the price you want:
100-hp Continental O-200
Proven reliability, new or rebuilt
100-130 hp UL Power
FADEC, direct drive, air-cooled
100-hp Rotax 912 ULS
Lightweight and efficient
4th generation 120-hp JABIRU 3300
New 4th generation series
Corvair conversion
Build your own auto conversion
Viking Honda engines
Honda-based Viking auto engine

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