I am presently constructing the ram air cooling shroud for my small continental in a 701 . Progressing nicely until one of those nagging back of the mind , is there problem here , issues took root . It's my current black cloud . Is there any nice weather out there ? Issue - SHOCK COOLING - cracking an aluminum cylinder head . Any info would add to my zero knowledge .

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Comment by Roger Lambert on October 4, 2013 at 9:17am

Cessna 150 baffles are easily modified to fit the Zenith, were designed for the Continental; and have the benefit of 50 years of experience

Comment by Jonathan Porter on September 29, 2013 at 2:03am

You can manage the cooling... avoid long descents!  Monitor instruments... and remember that insufficient cooling/too much cooling are both bad.... the good thing is that it is easier to shroud off a bit of radiator to reduce cooling than to solve a lack of cooling issue!  Hope that helps...

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