Got the cowling fitted.

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Comment by Steven Winn on May 30, 2012 at 5:53pm


James, The cowls are held together by hinge with a slightly undersize pin. This is the installation technique recommended by Viking. It works well.

I attached the cowl to the aircraft using 1/4 turn fasteners.

I am impressed with the quality of the cowling I received. All mating edges had sufficient excess for trimming, and the top and bottom match up very well. The shape of the cowl matches the aircraft very well.

The only challenge was that the upper hinge half wants to be vertical as it goes around the corner, and the upper cowl rounds over just above the mating line. I had to remove some of the upper hing flange, and lower the bottom hinge half in the lower cowl (scrapped the first hinge halfs I drilled).

In order to properly mate the cowl at the lower three 1/4 turn fasteners (on each side), I cut the projecting side skins into "tabs", and bent the tabs to match the cowl. You can see this in the second photo. Also visible is the NACA duct I am using to feed the oil cooler.

Comment by James R Depfer Sr. on May 30, 2012 at 12:06pm

I'm working on my cowling right now which is the one received with the Zenith FWF kit for the Rotax. I received about 23 DSUZ and springs to hold it all together. The photo guide for mine just changed and now they are sending screws, grommets and nut plates.I may order those since it is suppose to hold tighter, but not as convenient as 1/4 turn DZUS fasteners.

I can't quite tell what your cowling is using. Is it screws or what ? Also, why so many ? Why is there two rows holding the halves together ?

I like yours...Looks like a nice tight fit.

Comment by Marvin W Miller on May 27, 2012 at 10:27am

Good job there must be a viking underneith that

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