I have been working on the 750 for 3 weeks now and it is time for a day off, What do I do on my day off? I work on the 701. This plane is close to flying, the motor is all prepped and with foaming the motor that has not run in 5 years I now have almost full compression on every cyl. As you can see I wanted to spend a little time on the panel. I was going to install a full efis system as I had planned on using the 701 on extended trips, now with having a 750 the 701 will be used as a demo plane and as a flight trainer. So a simple panel is all that is required. Though I do have a glass panel on order for installation above the radio stack.

I have always kept my panels a dark light absorbing colour so that no reflection would hinder my enjoyment of looking out the window. But this time I just couldn't resist using something different. This paint changes colour with the angle of light, it goes from Purple to blue to green.

I may regret this choice, but lets see how this works at keeping students eyes outside instead of being distracted by the shinny lights in the panel.I know it is not fair, but once you can learn to overcome distractions you can concentrate better on the real issues.

Well the panel is in, the EFIS is still on route and the LRI has yet to be installed. I opted for a simple drop down fuse box on this plane, it is a kick back to years ago before I started using the composite design electric panels, but I have simple fair in the 701 and a drop down panel that houses both positive and negative terminals is all that I needed in this plane.

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