I was pleasantly surprised to read about Tim Garrett in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch last night:

Read the full story: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Many of you have probably met Tim at one of Zenith's annual Open Houses / fly-in or at Oshkosh. Though he has MS (multiple sclerosis), by day he's a design engineer at Boeing and on the weekends he is often seen flying his Zodiac XL around.

Tim is one of our builders that continues to be an inspiration to many of us. Thanks, Tim.

(Tim maintains the popular Rudders! photo album on this site. Make sure that your rudder is included!)

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Comment by Jonathan Porter on March 12, 2010 at 3:29am
Well done Tim, just remember Doctors know nothing about the mind - and the 'mind matters over' everything (I have been told on three separate occasions that I will never walk again) - so don't mind them!!!

Flying is what inspired me to walk again and to keep on doing what we do, despite the pain, keep looking up!
Comment by Tim Garrett on March 11, 2010 at 4:26pm
Thanks, Sebastien, you posted that really fast! They even mentioned Zenith in the article!

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