Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Spent last three days in Osseo MI with Roy Szarafinski assembling block and fifth bearing on WW Corvair Engine. Plan on final assembly and running engine at CC#24 in Barnwell SC next month. Once engine is finished I will begin building my CH750 from plans.
Understand your concerns. I have built engines in past, and with proper pickeling (oil preservative in cylinders, fogging intake and exhaust, sealing all ports, presurring Oil system for 30 minutes prior to draining oil) engines can sit up for many years. Will also be kept inside in my office (need something to look at) for incentive. I have worked with a marine engine builder, and this is what he has done for many years with no complaints. Anyway, Now that I am retired, I plan on focusing full time to building...Best laid plans.....Thanks for your cmments
My problem was, I could not decide which plane to build. 701, 601XL, 750, 650, Seemed like everytime I decided which one to build, two weeks later I changed my mind. I have complete sets of all plans with latest updates. The one thing that was constant was my decision to build the WW corvair engine.. OK, I have finally committed to the CH750. I have bought the extruded parts, I have the rudder kit, have bought all the tubing I need to make controls, struts and cabin frame. This weekend I am retaking the EAA Sportair TIG Welding class ( I took it 6 years ago, and need a refresher). I will order my aluminum next month.. I am finally starting to feel retired and am making progress on my retirement projects....
I am following the reverse approach. Build the airframe first, pretty much to completion. Then, build the engine. This will prevent having a built engine sitting around in storage for years that might become corroded internally or damaged in some other way. Also, it has allowed the engine to mature while I have sat on the sidelines, engine-wise. When I do build my engine, it will be a better and more mature engine than would have built a year or three ago. I pick up engine cores when I stumble into them and also buy the conversion parts as I have the funds. That way, when I do built the engine, I will have most of what I need already on the property.
Bob (601XLB/Corvair, still building)
I took the same path you are planning. I started with building my Corvair Engine in 2004 and once complete began building my Zodiac from plans. I'm now painting my plane, so getting close to complete. Good luck with the build. The engine looks great!
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