I have already posted to the Zenith forum, but I'll add this here also. Yesterday, 05/23/2009 I had my plane inspected by a DAR and it passed. I had some bolts on the warp drive that needed to have thin washers as not enough threads were showing (I used the supplied washers) and safety waires on the prop bolts not tight enough. He also noted that I had cotter pins that we too long on the landing gear attach bolts. All minor and fixable on the spot.

He did go over the cable tensions and mentioned them on several occasions and warned me to keep them correct and check them often.

One thing that was an issue before hand was the fact that he wanted to know about the cabureter (one piece ventui and plastic or metal float) and this issue came up just before the inspection. So, here I was night before at midnight pulling it apart to verify the parts and hoping I'd get it back to gether to run correctly. It did. First time I have ever taken a cabureter bigger than a lawn mower apart and it worked! If you are using a older Cont O-200 be sure to ched this AD out, as any AD's that apply to anything that goes into an expermental aircraft must have the ADs complied with.

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