FAA Medical


This is my story:


Five years ago I had the Mitro valve in my heart repaired (not replaced, repaired).

According to the FAA regulation this is not an issue that would exclude you from receiving a third class medical clearance BUT.


This is the series of events that have taken place that I have had to deal with!


26 months ago I started flight school, and filled out the required forms for a third class medical. I waited and waited to hear from the FAA for clearance to continue on with my training.


7 months after sending in my request I finally got an answer back from them.


Since I now have to take a blood thinner because of the mitro valve repair they would require a series of test. Stress test, full 24 hour EKG monitoring with original strip chart, a heart sonogram after the stress with results. Full blood panels, etc. all of which are not covered buy health insurance.

So I made all the appointments paid the bills and got the test done, gathered all the information and sent it of to the FAA AME as requested thinking everything would be ok now.


8 months later I got a response, they would not issue a medical ticket until I did further test.

A new stress test, a full sleep study, another EKG, a report from the surgeon that did the heart valve repair and his evaluation of the results etc. Again I gathered all the information and forwarded it to the FAA AME.


8 months later I got a letter back, their response was, since I had exceeded the time period allotted to respond to the first request they would not grant me a medical ticket I would have to resubmit new test results for all the information requested. Plus they now wanted another full sleep study, with information on a 12 months use of a CPAP machine during sleep etc. My doctor never said anything about a CPAP machine.


My response to them was that their incredibly slow response to me was the reason that I exceeded the specified time limit. Its not easy to make appointments and schedule test in the time given. I also said they are not my doctor and the information they are requesting is not something they should even be involved with, those decision should be between me and my doctor not the FAA. It is obvious that they will put up as many road blocks as possible hoping that you will give up and just go way.





So this is my dilemma:


I can try for a Sport Pilots license, I have not been denied a third class medical ticket they just never granted it. I have called the FAA and got several different answers from everyone I talked to, whether this would be problem or could I work around this and get the sport pilot license.


The other problem I ran into there is no one in this part of the county that offers training or has the equipment to train for a sport pilots license. I thought this was supposed to be the next big thing in private aviation to get more people in the air.


So if anyone out there has any suggestion or can point me in a direction to get around this   and  if you know of any flight schools that still offer sport pilot training it would be greatly appreciated.








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Comment by Van Cole on August 5, 2022 at 2:17pm

Dave thanks for your comments. After 2 years and seven months and spending several thousand dollars on medical test always never enough for the FAA I have given up they won.  I sold my kit and all tools and parts to finish it. My flight gear, head set, radios, and training materials  I gave to a young lady down the road that wants to become a pilot, I even offered to pay for her first few lessons.

As for me I want nothing to do with the aviation community ever again. No help or support from anyone.

Thanks for your comments though it is appreciated..

Comment by Dave on August 4, 2022 at 8:50pm

I'd go over to https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/forums/medical-topics.13/ and tell your story there. There is an FAA  AME, Dr. Bruce Chien (user:  bbchien ) that weighs in on troubling cases like this and he may be able to help.

Comment by Perry Hyden on June 9, 2022 at 9:00pm

You may want to check with someone about being able to fly Sport Pilot.  Here is what I found.

  • The Sport Pilot rule allows a pilot to fly light-sport aircraft without the need for an FAA medical certificate. However, a sport pilot must hold at least a current and valid U.S. driver's license in order to exercise this privilege. The only exceptions are for operations in a glider or balloon, which does not require a driver's license.
  • A person using a current and valid U.S. driver's license must comply with each restriction and limitation imposed by that person's U.S. driver's license and any judicial or administrative order applying to the operation of a motor vehicle. That person must also meet the requirements of 14 CFR 61.23(c)(2), which states the following:
    • Have been found eligible for the issuance of at least a third class airman medical certificate at the time of his or her most recent application (if the person has applied for a medical certificate);
  • It looks like if you applied but not approved, it might be a roadblock.
Comment by Bob Simmons on June 9, 2022 at 2:50pm

Zone Aviation in Elyria used to do Sport Pilot training. Don't know if they still do. I haven't lived in Ohio for several years.

Or try one of these guys;


Keep in mind that you can utilize any type of traditional flight training for a Sport Pilot certificate. You're only required to solo in a light sport aircraft that meets the Sport Pilot rule. You'll likely also need time in the correct LSA aircraft in order to get the logbook endorsement to operate that type as pilot in command (the Sport Pilot certificate does not specify category or type). I'm not sure of the requirements for that. It may be up to your FSDO, and I suggest you ask them.

Comment by Wayne 'Tophat' Bartlett on June 9, 2022 at 2:37pm

My experience with the FAA is this: communicate with them ONLY in writing, and that by certified mail. It's the only way that they'll ever own up to having told you something.

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