Family Project Wraps-up at the Factory - Day 5

This is a continuation (See the previous post for Day Four)


Day #5: Zenair’s “Wing-Building Program” provides builders an opportunity to assemble their first wing at the factory. This makes assembly of the second wing (at home) much easier. In this case, owner/builder Lon Boehme brought his brother and his son with him so that they could accomplish more. Their goal was to assemble both wings…

Friday was a rudder workshop day for us at Zenair (as well as at Zenith Aircraft Co.) so Lon left his helpers to work on the wings while he joined the rudder group to assemble his rudder…

The rudder workshop is highly recommended for anyone considering a kit-building project. It allows you to be guided in the assembly process of your first real aircraft component, taking the stress out of drilling the first holes, using tin snips on aluminum for the first time and setting your first rivets.  Traditional workshops are spread over two days; Zenair also offers one-day intensives!

The first phase of rudder assembly is putting together the internal skeleton; the second is covering this structure with the skins. Lon put his experience from the last four days to good use: On his own, he was able to keep up with the other couple assembling their own rudder at his table…

By Mid-afternoon on Friday, all projects were wrapping up. The rudders were completed and the main wings of the STOL CH 750 were ready for final riveting; it was time for loading up the trailer…

The standard 49% kit easily fits in a full-size van; the spars and fuselage longerons are the longest pieces. Most large skins can be rolled-up for transportation. A trailer is best if you plan to take home assembled wings or an advanced (partially assembled) airframe. Fragile (scratch sensitive) parts include the windshield and bubble doors (standard in the CH 750 kit). Among the virtually indestructible parts is the main landing gear spring.

Standard Zenair kits include everything needed to complete the airframe. Zenair also offers Firewall-Forward Packages for a variety of different engine choices for the aircraft.

Zenair is currently expanding its network of recognized Builder Assistance Centers across North America;  builders looking for assistance with the assembly of their aircraft kit or Zenair floats should contact Zenair to discuss available options. Below left: Loading up the trailer in sub-zero weather with snow coming down...

Wow! What a week! Two wings and a rudder in five days!  Our friends from Alberta are heading home again. Have a safe drive and best wishes with the continuing work on your project. To connect with other builders in your region, you can search the members list at 

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