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Hey Cruzer Builders,
I Found a 'Gap' while fitting the Vertical Stabilizer (VS) to trim it (many times) for the elevator deflection... I am not sure i have it built correctly. If it is correct, then i'll need a 'FIX' to continue.
The piece cleco's in well, but there is a sizable Gap where the side skin has to be pulled away to extend over the VS Spar; thereafter not allowing the skin to stay 'nested' in the recesses of the longerons.
My Kit was purchased in November 2016, and i was given 2 different sets of drawings. Reviewing the different drawing sets, i found that the rear side skin piece, F1-4, was changed, while R3-10 was eliminated. Basically R3-10 was a strap to tie into the VS Spar and the latest drawing revisions show the tie-in being done by F1-4. So R3-10 would have sat on the outside of the skin.
My problem is that i cannot rivet the skin to the last hole of the longeron until i fill the gap, otherwise it will kink the skin massively. Unfortunately, the rivet that i am most concerned with is directly beneath my finger in the photo.
I am hoping to correctly upload a photo to accompany.
Thanks to ALL for taking the time to view and consider my issue. All comments are welcome.
Thank you gentlemen!
I did speak with Roger (Zenith) and he confirmed that my build was correct. That's good!? He also confirmed that my drawings dated 18Dec2016 (first page) are the LATEST Version. That's good !?
I think that the LSA Cruzer built by Zenith must have this gap, and i believe Roger said that Zenith uses shims to fill the gap. Why Zenith doesn't reshape the VS Spar to eliminate this problem... i don't know.
Thanks to Oscar Borsten for guiding me to that link.
I think i am leaning toward the strapping pieces that includes the 'joggle'.
I may need to cut back the skins because it may be that if i bend them to conforms to the gap difference, then the predrilled holes may be too close to the inside edge of the Spar Doubler.
I will continue to work on this...
Best to All
Take a look at this link below, the problem has been fixed with a new piece that you need to get from Zenith
I hope this help!
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