Made the trip I've been trying to make before starting the 701 build.  It was a long road but the pay off was worth all the work.  Took off from home airport PAOT, Kotzebue AK, to PAIK Kiana, picking up the Kobuk River and following it to the great sand dunes.  the most northern desert in the world.  Was one of the most  fantastic trips I've made in the 701.  Here are some pictures.  ill add more pics later

The dunes are vast!  We spent the afternoon just exploring in perfect weather 70 deg F. If your in this region the dunes are a must see.  We saw caribou, moose, bears, and some wolf on the way to and from the dunes.

The 701 preforms very well in the sand,  takeoff was unbelievably easy.  Back pressure on the stick and the nose wheel never digs in.



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Comment by david shrader on June 16, 2015 at 12:48am
Hi Timothy,

I file when I know when I'm comming home, but in this case I wasn't sure when Id be back and closing out is problematic in remote locations. I cover myself a couple ways, first is the spot detector, wife keeps track of me (keeps her from worrying). The spot can send a number of messages "Im good/ I'm delayed/ I'm ok but need some help/ s.o.s..." I also work for a part 135 company, I let the dispatcher know where I'm at ... Usually brings buzz jobs but I got the guys watching out... The spot is the best in my opinion, friends get email updates where I'm at, wife can track me an dosent worry, the sos brings out the guard. I have the elt coupled to the gps as well, just in case

Comment by Timothy Aanerud on June 15, 2015 at 4:01pm

Can you tell us something about flight planning up here since you're in the middle of nowhere?  Do you file a flight plan, etc?  Whom do you let know you are out there and when they should be expecting you back, etc..

Comment by david shrader on June 9, 2015 at 12:31am

Thanks Joe!  Cant wait till you get yours up!


Comment by Joe Harrington on June 3, 2015 at 2:20pm

Fantastic! Looking forward to your trip report and lots of photos. Using a tool that you built with your own hands to go on an adventure has to be a great experience.

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