When you order Zenith amphibian floats you have to chose between operating your retractable wheels either by a hand pump or electric pump. Zenith does not price either pump differently...but if you want a hand pump to back up the electric version its an additional $1000. The hand pump must be mounted between the pilots legs so it can be operated by the pilot. The electric pump can be mounted in the rear and operated with a single switch. Both pumps weigh the same. Do any of the builders have opinions or experience with either of these set ups?

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Comment by Bob McDonald on May 16, 2011 at 1:55pm


My friends C-180 Amphib has Wipline floats that were originally "electric operated"... too many problems when mixed with water, very unreliable. That is why they were converted by Wipline to hydraulic operated by a hand operated pump.

Comment by Andre Levesque on May 16, 2011 at 12:54pm

Normand! what about a backup system?? -:)

With an electical problem you may be looking for a lake when your intentions were to land on asphalt and vice versa. Unles that's your backup plan.

I know having two system may be adding weight but better safe than sorry. 

My opinion.

Comment by Normand Lambert on May 16, 2011 at 11:43am

Hi Bob,

Sorry, I misread your post. Actually, I'm not using any kind of pump ! The wheels retract using electricity only. The air/hydraulic system was removed and electric actuators were installed instead of the old retract system. No air/hydraulic leaks here ! Just get 12 volts current to all wheels and let electricity do its thing. Works very well and the retract mecanism design locks the wheel up/down. 


Comment by Bob McDonald on May 16, 2011 at 1:10am
THe CH701 usually has the flap handle located in front of the pilots seat, the hydraulic pump crowds this area.... but the CH750 has electric flaps so this area is clear to mount a hand pump in this location. The electric pump can be mounted behind the pilot seat or some where else.
Comment by Bob McDonald on May 14, 2011 at 10:57am


I assume you miss read the post. I was refering to the pump for hydraulic operation of the wheel retraction or extension....not the bilge pump. Your floats are the earlier version which uses compressed air to operate this same mechanism. You have an "electric" air compressor to charge a tank to operate the gear. A friend of mine has a C180 on amphibian floats.... the big bird has a hand operated hydraulic pump to raise of lower the gear (35 pumps!).

Comment by Andre Levesque on May 13, 2011 at 6:07pm

Are you building the #1450 floats bob?


Comment by Andre Levesque on May 13, 2011 at 6:06pm

My opinion is that I would use both. Maybe a bit more weight but a safty net is required deep in the bush.

They are they same price??  wow

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