Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
This is not a good way to land but it could have been a lot worse. I am over my diapiontment now so I will share it with everyone on the 20th Febuary 2010 I had an engine failure due to fuel starvation and a forced lading on a forestry track in a place called Duck Marsh Tasmania I was on a 3 mile final for The Vale a private air strip at the base of Mt Roland North West Tasmania Australia I was 700ft AGL approx and no other choise for a lading spot unfortunatley the track was only 12ft to 16ft wide and the plane didnt fit so I was pulled off the track into the plantation and there was still a lot of stumps from the last cut under the small trees growing there now. It is a testiment to the stength of the Zodiac 601 XL really afetr such a accident to see that the cock pit and wings are still intact and I exited with only a twisted ankle the photos show this and I hadnt even fited the wing mod kit yet I will miss my little Zodiac it was related to me after all the dna we shared during the building process those of you that built will understand what i mean. The insurance paid out ok so I bought a Cutlass 172RG and am now flying again so I wasnt put off at all by the accident and would like to build again in the future probably a 750 or 801 we will see. there are also some photos of the new plane and the trip from Perth WA to Devonport Tasmania. The Engine was a Continental 0-200 A, On further investigation the cable to the mixture control had broken and the mixture had vibrated full lean with hind site it would of been good to have a full rich spring to stop this I always assumed it had one in the carureta but it didnt look out for this everyone. Happy flying and dont under etimate your bird they are very strong but I do hope you dont have to find out the way I did.
cheers Kevin
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Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
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