Since I got the rudder I have tried to put in a few hours every time I get.  My son and me have got the skeleton part of the rudder together, now we need to take it apart to debur the drill holes.  I called Zenith, because I did not know how much to debur, if I should get it smoth or just the metal shaving off.  They told me to get it smooth.


My only complaint is I cant get enough time to put into the project.  My wife tells me I building it too fast, we will have to order the next section soon.


My goal is to be flying in 2 years.

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Comment by Sham Mohammed on February 28, 2013 at 2:26pm

Thanks for the comments and support.  I am glad to hear 2 years is a resonable time frame.

Comment by Christopher Braun on February 5, 2013 at 1:11pm
Just take a drill bit that is larger than the hole, and turn it about 1/4 to 1/2 of a turn. That will take the metal off just fine, without countersinking the hole. As for the time. Just take your time and enjoy it. If you try to rush it, it won't be fun. Just pace yourself. Two years for a 801 seems realistic. Expect 1000+ hours based on what I have read. And, yes, the rudder is probably the fastest, so given the 6-8 week lead time on parts, you will have to order the next part soon. Always plan to order next section expecting a 6-8 week lead time, if you don't want any downtime. But, that's also assuming that you can afford the next section. But, just pace yourself, and tell the wife that it is going to take a long time, and cost money. Those two things are unavoidable. I would think an 801 will cost you 40-60k by the time you are done building with a decent size engine. If you plan for any less, you will be disappointed. But, stretched over 2-4 years, that is doable depending on your budget. Good luck!

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