Installing the "Upgrade Package" to our Zodiac CH 601 XL: Riveting and Re-Assembling the Center Spar

I've now added the photos for the last post on riveting and re-assembling the center wing spar section. Below is the upgraded center spar section, ready to return to the fuselage:

As previously mentioned, Roger Dubbert from the Zenith factory will be attending Gus Warren's Zodiac CH 601 XL "Upgrade Workshop" in Edgewater, Florida this Friday and Saturday (Dec. 11 & 12). Gus Warren is an A&P mechanic and flight instructor, and he has extensive experience building and maintaining Zeniths. He's volunteered at several Zenith events, holding seminars on "inspecting and pre-flighting your Zenith" (pictured below at a Zenith Open Hangar event):

FlyWithGus offers onsite builder assistance, flight training, and more. Gus can also arrange to install the upgrades into your aircraft if you are unable to perform the installation yourself... For information on attending the "Upgrade Workshop" this Friday and Saturday, contact Gus at 386-316-6324 or 505-363-9221.

We had originally hoped to fly to Florida in our upgraded Zodiac XL, but we've run out of time (and the weather forecast is not promising) so Roger will be flying to Florida via Southwest Airlines instead...
Roger looks forward to meeting with builders and owners in Florida, and going over many of the details of the new Upgrade Package, and Gus will be installing the Upgrade Package in a Zodiac CH 601 XL.

We continue to finalize the Upgrade Package kit, and production of the parts (in quantity) is well underway:
Stacks of aluminum square tube for the aileron balance arm (pre-cut):

Cutting out the Wing Root (spar) Doubler out of flat 6061-T6 1/8-inch sheet aluminum:

Here's an updated video clip of us manufacturing some of the Upgrade Package kit parts:

Next, we'll be fitting and riveting the center wing spar section back into the fuselage.

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Comment by Ted Taylor on December 11, 2009 at 11:30am
I like that upright doubler. Good addition.
Comment by Glenn Garrison on December 10, 2009 at 12:02pm
I noticed in your final Dec 9th drawings 6-ZU-2 you have deleted the gussets for the front and rear wing uprights. Is this due to the new upright doubler on page 6-ZU-3. Also would it make sense to add a bellcrank support to the 6th rib as well to further strengthen the bellcrank area as well as the L angles being installed?
Comment by Tim Garrett on December 9, 2009 at 4:54pm

Just curious, how many orders do you have so far for the upgrade kit and what percentage of the 601XL fleet does rhat represent?

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