I am after some advice if anyone has found a suitable iPad mount for a full size iPad when you have a 'busy panel'? I have tried a couple of different suction mounts on the canopy but they all fall off in the end (the iPad is so heavy!!).





Picture of panel attached.

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Comment by Richard Simmons on September 11, 2014 at 10:14pm
Huh, I was. Pricing the whiskey compass on top of the IP.
I have purchases what appears to be the same thing.

How is its function as you have it mounted.

Rich Simmons
Comment by Tim Garrett on September 9, 2014 at 9:38pm
I use a RAM Mount. Flew it from St. Louis to sun-n-fun with no problems.


Comment by Huw Carey on September 9, 2014 at 3:29pm
Hi Allan

That's exactly what I do at the moment so will stick with it.

Comment by Allan / Zenair Australia on September 9, 2014 at 3:12pm
Hi Huw
The biggest problem I have found is glare on the iPad and I have to keep moving it so I can see the screen. I gave up trying to mount it I just keep it on the passengers seat and pick it up when I need it

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