I am in the process of odering a plug n play instrument panel.  I cannot decide whether to put engine controls in a quadrant attached to fuselage or the more standard push-pull controls in the panel.  I don't even know right now how many controls are needed.  Throttle for sure but I would assume no mixture since it has an altitude compensated carb.  How about choke?  Is carb heat needed on the Jabiru 3300A?  Any suggestions or lessons learned sure will be appreciated. I hope to have two of each so right seat can fly as well.

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Comment by Joe Hopwood on November 27, 2011 at 2:26pm

Hi Charles,  Thanks for information but I believe middle engine controls would not be easy to use with the single Y-Stick.  I will have to look on the Jabiru site I think.  Happy building and flying.

Comment by charles hughes on November 25, 2011 at 1:23pm
My a/c has the Jabiru 3300A w/the AeroCarb from Sonex. Sonex also sells to anyone a throttle w/a mixture control that is designed to sit in the center of the a/c so two people have access to it. I have this in my a/c. Since the Bing is not supplied w/a mixture control in stock configuration the Sonex mixture control could be used for your choke.
Comment by Jake Reyna on August 28, 2011 at 8:15pm
Joe, sitting in the airplane is the advice I was given years ago. Put in some seat cushions and trace the shape of the panel and make some instrument templates, etc. use double sided tape, draw some horizontal and vertical reference lines and start dreaming :-) Obtw, keep your vents up high, you don't want to block them with your hands or legs.
Comment by Joe Hopwood on August 28, 2011 at 11:09am
Thanks Jake!  I have yet to sit in mine.  Perhaps that is something I need to do before making any decisions on panel and controls.
Comment by Jake Reyna on August 28, 2011 at 7:42am

I use dual throttles in the panel, there isn't much room for a quadrant on either side, I've attached an old picture. When seated in the airplane, my left hand rests on my knee when using the throttle. Not shown, but there are holes on the left side are the flap toggle and directly above is carb heat. I do have dual flap toggles. Choke is in the center under the starter button. If you're going to use dual throttles, consider using a bellcrank on the inside firewall with the the throttle cable to the carb positioned in the firewall as if you only had a single throttle. I used the stock version, it works, but there is a better solution.

Comment by David Gallagher on August 26, 2011 at 10:57am
I did not consider a quadrant, but I have heard a few people working on them.  See Alex Roca's page here on Zenith.aero for one such installation.  Being a little on the larger side, I needed all the side width I could get so I stayed with the panel mounts.
Comment by Joe Hopwood on August 26, 2011 at 10:26am
Thanks Dave.  I have a single Y-stick.  Did you consider a throttle quadrant attached to fuselage?  I am seriously considering one on each side for at least the throttle.  I think I would like the longer control knob travel that can be obtained by having a quadrant type throttle.  Perhaps the choke and carb heat could be single mounted on instrument panel in the middle.  For dual sticks a single throttle quadrant in the middle would be nice.
Comment by David Gallagher on August 26, 2011 at 9:55am



At minimum you will have a throttle (or 2 if going with dual throttle), choke and carb heat.  I also have their cabin heat option, so there is another control knob.  If you review the Jabiru USA web site's firewall forward page, it should give you a good idea of what is involved.  There is also a link to installation instructions.  My FWF installation was very straight forward with this Jabiru USA FWF kit. All of my engine controls are push-pull attached to the panel.


As to your two of each engine control comment, will you have the single y-stick, or dual sticks?  Dual sticks mean you can get away with only having one of each engine control.  I have a y-stick and utilize dual throttles.  Choke, carb heat and cabin heat are all just one control for each in my airplane.




Good luck,


Dave G.

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