Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
After several weeks of apprehension, read "scared to death," and one bent nose fork, I finally got some help from an airline pilot buddy and went flying at our farm strip. I did 4 takeoffs and landings, while my friend watched from the ground with a radio and gave me some coaching. That coaching and some great help from Bob McDonald, Jimmy Young, and John Austin gave me the confidence and the skills to finally feel comfortable with my landings.
I left the flaps alone and made my approach fairly flat and at @ 60 to 70 mph and just let the speed bleed off as I held the nose up and let the mains touch. Even with a crosswind, it worked out well and I'm feeling much more confident.
The one problem I continue to have is cooling of the Jabiru. I've added an air dam in front of the number 1 cylinder to help cool number 5, and had some success, but now number 1 is running too hot! Looks like I'll have to make some more adjustments and perhaps add some type of "blast tube" or baffling over number 5. I'm hoping that would allow me to go back to my original baffling for number 1, which was working well.
I never got to cruise, it jumped up after my 3rd take off and landing. Probably got to 3000 rpm on climb out.
What are your temps? Climb v cruise? At what cruise RPM?
My engine is serial number 33A2318, so I think I have the big fins? I am going to look at John's pictures and see some of the other posts. I moved my front baffle plate (made of aluminum and taped in front of #1) after number 5 went high, but haven't been able to fly since then.
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Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
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