Let's all take a moment to remember. Happy Memorial Day!

Have an enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!
To each of our customers that we are currently working with, or that are scheduled to work on Zenith projects, Ron, David, James, Dan, Bill, and to all of our past and future customers, we hope you will have a safe and enjoyable time. Let's all take a moment this weekend to remember those who have, or are now serving this country so that we may have the opportunity to be at home with our families working on our projects in peace. Bill, Diane, Craig, Chase, Austin & Gus at American Light Sport Aircrafters offer our thanks and gratitude to all who have served in any capacity at home or abroad. Thank You All!

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Comment by Bob Pustell on May 25, 2014 at 9:45pm

Speaking as a Veteran, your thanks are appreciated, but Memorial Day is not to thank those who served and survived. This day is to remember, honor, memorialize (hence, Memorial Day) those who died in service to our country. Those of us who survived their service get our recognition on Veteran's Day. This one is for those who did not come home or who came home in a box. Again, your thanks are appreciated but let's focus on those who gave everything one could possibly give, this is their Day.

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